Thursday, May 21, 2009

What is the lowest possible interest rates on a 5 year mortgage?

This is a question that I often receive. Here is the full question and my

What is the lowest possible interest rates on a 5 year mortgage?
Before I go ahead, is there any pointers you might have?
Would you consider giving me a couple pointers?
Thank you for your help.

Hi Susan,

Thank you for your email. The interest rates that I've seen on the 5 year
rate seem to vary almost daily. The best option for you to is contact my
mortgage contact with TD Canada Trust, they are often the least expensive or
will at least match the least expensive rate on the market.

Normally, I would recommend going short on your mortgage, but the 5 year
rates (and the 3 year rates) are very good these days and almost too hard to
pass up on. This decision is one for you to make as it really depends upon
your personal situation, your ability to withstand the unknown if you go
short term and your ability to withstand and deal with the risks involved
with going short versus long term.\

My mortgage is still short term because there is still some savings between
the prime plus .8% and the fixed rates, but as soon as the prime rates
increase I will likely lock in for the long term.

Please let me know if you have other questions.

Thank you,

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